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How Solar Panels Can Lower Your AC Electricity Consumption?

Gone are the days when AC used to be a luxury, it is becoming a necessity these days, especially during the summer scorching season. However, one should know that the comfort of cool air comes with a price tag and significantly higher monthly utility bills. The higher energy demands can also lead to environmental strain due to increased fossil fuel consumption. Solar panels offer sustainable benefits and on-grid solar system are becoming extremely popular amongst modern residential users. They can not only reduce carbon footprint but solar panels reduce AC electricity costs too.

Power Consumption of Air Conditioners

Air conditioners tend to consume a high amount of power consumption. It furthermore depends on the usage and the kind of environment, whether it is residential or commercial. In regions with hot climates, ACs can account for up to 70% of the overall electricity bill. The high power demands not only lead to increased energy consumption and utility bills.

It can also lead to peak load demand on the electricity. The increased demand will then lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases from power plants. When the load on the electricity grid increases, there can be other consequences too. This is what underlines the need for more sustainable solutions such as solar panel installation to manage the energy consumption of these conditioning units.

solar panels reduce AC electricity costs

How Solar Panels Can Reduce AC Costs?

Solar panel for home tends to harness sunlight to generate electricity through photovoltaic (PV) cells. On-grid and off-grid systems are the common types of solar panel installations. Among these, the on-grid system is often considered the most viable and best option, as it requires no battery and is maintenance-free. Let’s understand how these can actually help reduce AC costs.

  • Direct Energy Consumption – Solar panels generate electricity during peak daylight hours. It is also the time when ACs are most active in residential as well as commercial settings. Direct generation can reduce reliance on the grid during this high-demand period.
  • Net Metering Benefits: On-grid solar system offers multiple benefits to users via net metering and credits. Excess electricity is sent back to the grid, allowing homeowners to earn credits and generate extra money. This allows to offset the cost of electricity used during non-sunlight hours.
  • Increased Energy Independence: Homeowners can live carefree as there is no dependence on grid-supplied electricity and utility companies, allowing homeowners to prevent the risk of fluctuating costs too.
  • Long-Term Savings: With an initial investment supported by government subsidies and collateral-free loans, solar panel installation becomes a cost-effective choice. This enables faster savings and a quicker return on investment (ROI) while significantly reducing electricity bills over time.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: The fuel consumption of ACs can lead to the emission of greenhouse gases. However, using solar panel for home can help reduce the reliance and carbon footprint. Solar panels offer a viable sustainable solution and installing them can prove to be highly beneficial for the owners.

How Many Solar Panels Are Needed for Different AC Wattages?

The number of solar panels required to power an AC system can depend on varied factors. Some of them are as follows:

  • AC Unit Wattage: Different air conditioners have different power requirements.
  • Solar Panel Output: Solar system typically generates 4 units of electricity per KW per day under ideal conditions.
  • Sunlight Availability and Power Availability : Hours of sunlight per day and power availability vary by location, affecting solar panel output.

Below is an estimate of the number of solar panels that may be needed to power AC units of different wattages(Since ac is the most power consuming device, we are suggesting plant capacity based on that, rest all device consumption in every home we can consider as same):

AC Unit: 1 Ton × 2 ACs

Daily Consumption: 6 to 8 units (assuming a controlled usage upto 4 hrs)

Solar Panels Required: 3 kW

AC Unit: 1.5 Ton × 2  or 3 ACs or more AC or 2 Ac lavish usage.

Daily Consumption: ~ 12 to 14 units

Solar Panels Required: 5 kW

AC Unit: 2 Ton × 3 or 4 or more AC or Small Centralised AC or Lavish usage of 3 or more AC

Daily Consumption: ~25 to 30 units

Solar Panels Required: 8 to 10 kW

Note: The ideal number may vary depending on the above conditions. Make sure to check with the experts before the installation stage. You can also use this formula to calculate the energy consumption – Hours of operation x Watts (W) = Watt-hours (Wh) and devide that into 1000 so that you will get kWh(units). Even if you are not sure of the number of solar panels required, you can stay relaxed. As additional solar panels can be added later too, to meet the rising household demands.

Solar Panels Can Lower Your AC Electricity Consumption

On-Grid or Off-Grid: Which is More Ideal for Air Conditioners?

Solar panels reduce AC electricity costs but there is often a dilemma about choosing between on-grid vs. off-grid. On-grids are connected to the grid, enabling to generate electricity during the day and pulling electricity during the night hours. It also offers the benefits of net-metering and credits allowing homeowners to earn additional. With government subsidies and maintenance-free, the on-grid solar system stands out as the best choice.

Summing Up

We are now clear that staying cool during the hot summer days doesn’t have to come with sky-high energy bills. Installing a solar panel for the home is changing the entire game. Beat the heat without any financial or guilt issues in mind. Solar panels reduce AC electricity and are a highly sustainable and accessible solution.

Use a dedicated on-grid solar system to harness the sun’s energy and benefit via net metering. Use the above formula to calculate the number of solar panels needed or seek consultation from the best solar company in Kerala. The experts will not only guide you on the number of solar panels needed but they will also assist you in understanding how you can improve the efficiency of your solar panels. Combine the power of solar panels and energy-efficient practices to significantly reduce your utility bills.

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